Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We will start with Mr. O'Reilly since he sucks so much.

On his radio show today, august 12, he said this:

"The daily mail in London reports that George Clooney has become one of Barrack Obama's primary advisors. We hope this is not true. We hope its not. OK, because this would not be good. George Clooney. [Elise Wheel speaking although I probably spelled her name wrong]: Little sarcasm maybe [O'Reilly again]: I don't think so".

Are you kidding me? I mean, you can like or not like Barrack Obama but does any right thinking person think that George Clooney plays a major role in his decisions? O'Reilly is much smarter than this. He knows it is ridiculous and if you pressed him on it, he would probably admit that. Nonetheless, he always sprinkles things like this in.

Another pet peeve I have is that he continuously props himself up as a great reporter who works for you. He talks about how he goes after politicians and straightens them out. For god sakes, he called a boycott of France and pretended he had an effect. It is annoying because no real journalist should be spending time talking about how great they are. It is irrelevant and not for them to report.

It is also annoying for another reason. He continously proclaims that he can't make any judgements about Barrack Obama because we don't know anything about him. If he is such a great reporter, shouldn't he be able to find out things about Obama? I mean, his opponent claims he is the most famous man in the world. If Obama is famous and O'Reilly is a reporting genius, you would think he could find SOMETHING out about him.

Either way, I would prefer if we could just talk about the federal reserve anyway.

They all Suck

Over the last few years, I have become transfixed listening to Bill O'Reilly. He pretends he has no agenda but clearly does. His tactics are quite transparent. My favorite is when he pretends to take a point of view and lets his guest tear his weak point apart. Later, when he does not like the guest, he puts out his real point of view and yells vociferously every time the guest wants to make a point. Listening to this type of drivel (not to mention Foxes other drivel like Hannity and Colmes or Chris Wallace for example) really angers me. And yet, I don't turn it off.

One point that Bill O'Reilly has successfully made to me over the past few years is that MSNBC is just as bad. At first, I thought it was his way of trying to bolster Fox news which a large portion of the world recognizes is a joke. However, I started to watch MSNBC and realized that he is right. When I was younger, NBC always seemed like a fairly legitimate news channel. I watched Tom Brokaw when I was a kid and he seemed like a straight shooter. Since he has taken over Meet the Press, he still appears to be a straight shooter (although not as engaging as Tim Russert.) However, I started watching countdown with Keith Olbermann and I realized that he is as much a hack as O'Reilly. He uses the same tactics. Playing possum, yelling at his enemies, etc etc.

Is this really what we want? It certainly is what seems to sell but it frustrated me to no end. We have a country rife with debt, a mortgage crisis, 2 violent conflicts going on in two separate nations not to mention 10s of thousands more troops stationed around the world. We spend more on the military than the rest of the world combined. We have a federal reserve that has devalued our money for at least the last 20 years.

Yet, in the media and in political ads, we hear about how famous Barrack Obama is, how old John McCain is, lies about how much a candidate wants to tax poor people or how much money comes from oil companies (souly referred to obnoxiously as "big oil".) Could we please return to intelligent debate?

Look back to our founders and the eloquent wisdom that came from them:

Patrick Henry:

Thomas Jefferson:

Andrew Jackson:

What happened to this? Actually, I believe we still have great men in our government. We also have fools but it is hard to tell the difference because the media won't tell an honest interesting story. Barrack Obama is not an elite famous hollywood star. John McCain is not an elderly stupid fool who wants to fight until everyone is dead. These are both men of character who have lived interesting lives. I for one would like to here more about it. I would like to hear about the important issues. I want to hear more about the federal reserve in the news. I want to hear more about the true effect of different tax plans. I would like to hear about the pros and cons of a national health care plan. I would like to hear about the effects these men might have on civil liberties or the education system of our country.

I am tired of hearing about fluff. I am tired of hearing about fringe issues like Abortion, Gay Marriage or illegal immigration. There is a systematic problem in our country with the way we deal with credit and markets. Its time the media talks about it. If they think that the populace is not smart enough to understand or care, then it is time to invest more in the education system.

So now that I got this off of my chest, lets start complaining about the asinine things that the media says.